Japan Speaker Series
Text and Image in Modern Japan:
The Case of Shimazaki Tōson’s Novel Haru (Spring)

West University of Timisoara Bd. Vasile Pârvan 4, Timișoara, Timis, Romania

via Google Meet: 14:00 (Romania) / 06:00 (US Central) / 20:00 (Japan) This talk looks at the changing relationship(s) between text and image from pre-modern to modern Japan, with a focus on the work of Shimazaki Tōson, especially his novel Haru (Spring), published in installments in the Asahi newspaper (1908). Written in the modern and… Continue reading Japan Speaker Series
Text and Image in Modern Japan:
The Case of Shimazaki Tōson’s Novel Haru (Spring)

Han Chinese Costume Workshop

Sala P08 Strada Paris nr. 1, Timișoara, Romania

Photo credit: Maurizio Pavone #Mau TM