2024 Edition

Regulament 2024


Judges and winners of the Second Edition of the "Japan the Cool, and I" Competition (2024)




The winners of the first three places received Japanese literature books as well as guaranteed seats in the Japanese language and literature program at West University of Timișoara.


The competition judges were:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. George T. Sipos

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eliza Filimon

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sorin Ciutacu

Drd. Andrea Putnoky

The Second Edition of the -Japan the Cool, and I- Competition (2024) (15 mai 2024) 01
The Second Edition of the -Japan the Cool, and I- Competition (2024) (15 mai 2024) 02
The Second Edition of the -Japan the Cool, and I- Competition (2024) (15 mai 2024) 03
The Second Edition of the -Japan the Cool, and I- Competition (2024) (15 mai 2024) 04
The Second Edition of the -Japan the Cool, and I- Competition (2024) (15 mai 2024) 05
The Second Edition of the -Japan the Cool, and I- Competition (2024) (15 mai 2024) 06
The Second Edition of the -Japan the Cool, and I- Competition (2024) (15 mai 2024) 07
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